SkyChef Terms & Conditions

Regulations of the

§1 General provisions

  1. These regulations define the rules for using the services offered by the website (hereinafter referred to as: “SkyChef”), owned by MAX BERGER AVIATION Maciej Kowalczyk, 3 Księżycowa st. 34, 01-934 Warsaw, VAT: PL9511868342, (hereinafter referred to as: the “Owner”).
  2. Any adult person can become a SkyChef customer.
  3. The subject of the order is the delivery of meals to the airport / plane as part of the so-called air catering.
  4. The person placing the order confirms that he has read and accepts all the provisions of the above regulations.

§2 Order

  1. The order is made by phone, e-mail or by completing the order form available at
  2. The SkyChef service accepts orders 24 hours a day via Customer service and accepting telephone orders is possible from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00.
  3. When placing an order, the customer selects products, meals, ready-made sets at, specifies their quantity, packaging method, time / place of delivery and makes the payment.
  4. Orders placed during holidays or with delivery time less than 24h requires confirmation.

§3 Payment

  1. The ordering party has the option to make the payment by:
    • Credit / Debit cards or (quick transfers for PL banks), by paying separately while placing each order
    • Bank transfer – Collectively at the end of the week or month based on the concluded contract.
  2. In the case of deferred payments based on signed contract between parties:
    • the day on which the payment for the order is credited to the bank account is considered the day of payment.
    • SkyChef reserves the right to suspend the execution of orders for the Client if the Client is late in paying for previous invoices.
  3. All prices are net. They do not include VAT

§4 Order fulfillment

  1. The fulfillment of the order begins no earlier than on
    • receipt of payment (one-time payment) or
    • receipt of the order (payment based on the contract)
  2. After commencing the implementation, SkyChef will confirm the availability of selected products. If it is not possible to complete the order (product availability, delivery time, place of delivery), SkyChef will immediately notify the Customer with a request to decide whether to modify the order or withdraw it with a refund.
  3. In the process of execution, the customer is notified with a message about each stage of the order.

§5 Delivery

  1. The place and preferred time of delivery are specified by the Customer at the stage of placing the order. The order must specify the place (airport / landing site) of delivery, data and contact details of the person authorized to collect the order, method / form of delivery and additional information that may facilitate and shorten the delivery time.
  2. In the event of failure to collect the order by the Customer, the absence of the person authorized to collect the order or any other circumstance that prevents delivery in accordance with the instruction in the order, the order is considered effectively delivered.
  3. The cost of delivery to all communication airports in Poland is specified in the system. Delivery to another airport / landing site is a contractual issue and will be specified individually for a specific order.
  4. Any changes to the order must be reported in writing or by e-mail to [email protected]. Changes notified orally and not confirmed in writing will not be introduced.
  5. Changes to orders will be implemented only after SkyChef has confirmed in writing that they are feasible. A change not confirmed in writing by SkyChef will not be implemented.
  6. Deliveries on public holidays may require more advance notice or longer delivery times.
  7. SkyChef has the right to increase prices by 50% for selected deliveries on public holidays
  8. Orders with delivery time early in the morning or during public holidays are prepared the day before.

§6 Changes and cancellation of the order

  1. Cancellation of the order is possible in full until the implementation begins
  2. After commencing the implementation, the Ordering Party may change the order in the part concerning: delivery dates, delivery address, type of packaging. The change will be introduced after SkyChef verifies that it is possible and confirms it in writing to the Client.
  3. After the implementation has begun, the Customer is not entitled to a refund for the order due to its partial or complete cancellation.

§7 Health

  1. When placing an order, the Ordering Party is obliged to provide all information that may be a contraindication to ordering certain dishes, in particular information about: a) all existing and past diseases; b) hypertension; c) diabetes; d) lactose intolerance; e) gluten intolerance (e.g. celiac disease); f) taking medications that affect the absorption of nutrients or vitamins, or cause fluid retention in the body, or impair digestion; (g) for women, information about pregnancy or breastfeeding; h) allergies.
  2. If the Customer conceals any health problems and contraindications listed in paragraph 1 above, SkyChef shall not be legally responsible for the health effects resulting from the interaction of the ordered meals on the above-mentioned intolerances / allergies / diseases / other diseases.
  3. In the case of sick people and / or people with health problems, it is recommended to consult an order with a doctor.

§8 Complaints

In the event of non-compliance of the subject of the order or the method of its implementation with these regulations or the order placed, the Customer has the right to submit a complaint.
The complaint should be submitted via e-mail at [email protected]
SkyChef is obliged to consider the complaint within 14 calendar days. If the complaint is accepted, SkyChef is obliged to replace the order which is the subject of the complaint or the meal / meals included in it, after prior agreement with the Customer on the date of replacement.
If SkyChef determines that the complaint is unfounded, in particular due to the compliance of the subject of the complaint with the order, SkyChef will inform the Customer about the failure to accept the complaint, providing justification.

§9 Privacy policy

  1. We process your data in accordance with our privacy policy:

§10 “Cookies” policy

  1. Cookies are understood as IT data, in particular text files, stored in users’ end devices intended for the use of websites. These files allow to recognize the user’s device and properly display the website tailored to his individual preferences. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from, the storage time on the end device and a unique number.
  2. Cookies are used to adapt the content of websites to the user’s preferences and to optimize the use of websites. They are also used to create anonymous, aggregated statistics that help to understand how the user uses websites, which allows improving their structure and content, excluding personal user identification.
  3. Personal data collected using “cookies” may be collected only in order to perform specific functions for the user. Such data is encrypted in a way that prevents access by unauthorized persons.
  4. By default, the software used for browsing websites allows by default to place “cookies” on the end device. These settings can be changed in such a way as to block the automatic handling of “cookies” in the web browser settings or to inform about their every transfer to the user’s device. Detailed information on the possibilities and methods of handling “cookies” is available in the software (web browser) settings. Limiting the use of “cookies” may affect some of the functionalities available on the website.

Have a nice day 😁

order at skychef

How to order

Choose the tastiest sets you want to receive, enter your personal/company details and delivery address, make the payment and wait for the food to arrive on board your flight.
Choose your meal
Order details
We will keep you updated on the progress of the order preparation and delivery.... Dessert maybe ? :)